I like your art! Perhaps in future drawings to add more depth, try to add more subtle tonal difference between the black and white. If I squint my eyes I see only 50% tone, you know as well as I do that there are infinite shades between the extremes. Please don't think I am being harsh, I am a fellow artist like yourself. Keep up the good work.
Dear RK,
This sketch is nice and aesthetically beautiful.
Hi RK,
That is a beautiful sketch.
Nice sketch... isn't that a tanpura...?
Hey RK,
That is a b e a u t i f u l sketch. :)
I like your art! Perhaps in future drawings to add more depth, try to add more subtle tonal difference between the black and white. If I squint my eyes I see only 50% tone, you know as well as I do that there are infinite shades between the extremes. Please don't think I am being harsh, I am a fellow artist like yourself. Keep up the good work.
This is not a sitar it is a tanpura
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